The Lee Family Internal Arts
The Lee Family system of Chinese Internal Arts was brought to the UK in the early Twentieth Century by Sifu Lee Chan Kam. After Sifu Lee passed away in 1953, his long term student Sifu Chee Soo popularized the Arts throughout the second half of the Twentieth Century teaching many students up to Instructor grades across the UK and beyond.
A truly holistic system, the Lee Family Arts include Tai Chi (Taijiquan), Feng Shou Kung Fu (plus joint locking and throwing martial arts), Taoyin Qigong, Kaimen Taoist Yoga, Tuina massage and much more.
At Paignton Tai Chi Studio, we hold regular classes in the Tai Chi system and the Taoyin Qigong Exercises. There are also opportunities provided for those students who wish to explore further aspects of the Arts including Kaimen Taoist Yoga, Tai Chi Weapons Forms and the Feng Shou Kung Fu training curriculum.